Pendientes de hombre

Pendientes de hombre became widely accepted as a fashion statement in the late '80s and early' 90s. They were catapulted into fame by celebrities such as George Michael and Harrison Ford, known for using them . At present, men's loops are still in great demand by men, but they have slipped into subtlety (when worn by mundane people) to become blatant manifestations of individuality when worn by people. grunge and rock stylists. Below, some styles of earrings that are commonly seen nowadays.


tachuelas are perfect for any occasion. They can be made of a solid diamond or it can be a stud of precious metal or semi-precious stone. No matter the style, tachuelas are still considered to be a great choice for men’s earrings. Because they are so versatile, a single 30 carat diamond stud can both be worn on the red carpet and also in the club scene. Perhaps, something a little smaller and less flashy would be appropriate if you want to wear it to the office.


aros were the original choice when it came to earrings for men. They can either be worn on one ear alone or on both – depending on the style and taste of the wearer. In the 90s some regions in Europe have even established a code, by which a person can pinpoint your sexual orientation by the number of earrings you are wearing and where you are wearing them. Today, jewelers often make men’s hoop earrings in pairs, so, if you don’t want to wear two at once, you can either keep one as back-up or you can split it with a friend.

Con clip

Cuando el actor Jamie Fox fue a los Oscar, llevaba un clip de oreja de diamante en el arete. El que llevaba era muy descriptivo del estilo moderno de los pendientes para hombres. La marca era tan impresionante que no era obvio de inmediato que usara un clip, porque el vínculo entre el cierre delantero y el trasero era tan mínimo que casi pasó desapercibido. Esto muestra cómo los joyeros han mejorado con los años. Anteriormente, los pendientes con clip se reservaban para las mujeres porque a menudo eran grandes para adaptarse al tamaño del broche en la parte posterior. Ahora son mucho más elegantes y, como se demostró, han sido perfeccionados para ser utilizados por ambos sexos.

Puños y túneles de carne.

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