Vinüül põrandakate

Vinüül põrandakate is an excellent substitute for wood and other flooring. Commonly used in high traffic areas, vinyl flooring is an attractive option because of its affordability and durability. Vinüül põrandakate is very easy to install and does not suffer abrasions, impacts or water damage. This contrasts sharply with wooden flooring that can warp and crack under the effects of water damage or scratches caused by abrasions. Vinüül põrandakate, on the other hand, can withstand for many years without visible signs of wear. Even in case of damage or wear, the floor can be easily reconditioned at a lower cost. Damaged tiles can be removed without much trouble.

Hardwood flooring offers attractive aesthetic appeal, but does not stand up well in heavy traffic and severe wear. Vinüül põrandakate can provide the same aesthetic appeal without the common maintenance problems commonly encountered. Vinyl manufacturers today have a wide range of products offering great durability and a wide variety of appearances. Vinüül põrandakate can easily be made to look like wood flooring or any other surface. Manufacturers such as Armstrong produce vinyl flooring with a keen sense of appearance and durability.

Armstrongi kvaliteetne vinüülpõrand on loodud välja nägema lehtpuu. Armstrongi kõrglahutusega trükiprotsess loob lehtpuust välimusega vinüülpõrandad, mida on raske tõelisest lehtpuupõrandast eristada. Veelgi parem, vinüülplaate on väga lihtne lõigata ja kohandada nurkade ja muude takistustega. See muudab vinüülpõranda eriti paindlikuks. Lisaks sellele on selle taskukohane hind ja vinüülplaat on põrandate jaoks äärmiselt atraktiivne võimalus. See kehtib eriti siis, kui põrandakate peab vastu pidama tihedale liiklusele või sagedasele hõõrdumisele.

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