A bőrdzseki, amit most szeretek

Like many people I know, I used to have a semi-serious aversion to bőrkabáts. I'm not sure why really, I just grew up not liking the look of a bőrkabát or the look of almost anyone that wore a bőrkabát. All that changed recently, however, when I decided to get a motorcycle.

As much as I had always hated the look of a bőrkabát, I had still always wanted to get a motorcycle. It seems like a contradiction, and I guess it was. Anyway, the opportunity to buy a used motorcycle recently fell into my lap and I took up the offer. I knew that having a motorcyle would change a lot more than just the way I got to work. It took me only a few days of owning a motorcycle and a few conversations with friends to realize that I really did need a bőrkabát for my new ride.

I needed a new bőrkabát they said, not just because every motorcyclist should have one, but also because a bőrkabát is the safest thing to wear in case of an accident. I got thinking about having an accident on my motorcycle and that was the only form of convincing I needed before I went out and began shopping for a bőrkabát of my very own. I brought a couple of more experienced friends with me who gave me their opinions of where to find the right bőrkabát and how to decide what style fit me best.

Kicsit viccesnek éreztem, hogy vásárolok egy bőrkabátot. Úgy éreztem magam, mint az egyik motoros gyerek, aki után középiskolában szórakoztam, és bemegyek a boltba, és teljesen gúnyolódni fognak róla, hogy egyikük vagyok. Megpróbáltam hátrahagyni ezeket a gondolatokat, és csak elvégeztem a feladatot, hogy megszerezzem a tökéletes bőrkabátot. Körülbelül húsz bőrkabátot kellett kipróbálnom, és gondosan megvitattam mindegyik részleteit. A vásárlással kapcsolatos döntések soha nem voltak könnyűek számomra, és a bőrdzseki vásárlása sem volt kivétel.

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