심각한 피부 관리

‘심각한 피부 관리’ is about maintaining a healthy and glowing skin all through your life. As you grow older, your body’s natural skin care mechanisms become weaker. So, ‘serious skin care’ is about responding to the changing needs of your skin. Thus, ‘serious skin care’ is about constantly evaluating, analysing and changing your skin care routines. Your skin care routine should change based on the environmental conditions, your age and changes in your skin type.

‘심각한 피부 관리’ is also about awareness. With the technological advancements and research, more and more facts are being brought to light everyday. Also, the composition and nature of skin care products seems to be changing with time. So trying out the new products is also a part of serious skin care. However, ‘serious skin care’ advises using a new product over a small patch of skin (not facial skin) first, just to see how your skin reacts to it.

‘심각한 피부 관리’ also means knowing how to use your skin care products. Good practices include things like applying the moisturizers while the skin is damp, using upward strokes for better penetration of skin care products, removing the make up before going to bed, cleansing before moisturising or applying make up, using the correct amount of skin care products, etc. Thus, increasing the effectiveness of your skin care products is another focus area of serious skin care.

Some precautions, like avoiding contact with detergents, are also part of serious skin care. ‘심각한 피부 관리’ means being gentle with your skin. Things like over-exfoliation, use of low quality products, and application of strong-chemical based products, are all harmful to your skin. Some people have a wrong notion about serious skin care. For them serious skin care is - using large quantities of products as often as possible. However, this really isn’t serious skin care (and that’s why awareness is so important).

심각한 피부 관리에는 또한 피부과 치료에 대한 피부과 의사와상의하는 것이 포함됩니다. 피부 질환을 무시하면 피부에 치명적일 수 있으며 영구적 인 손상을 초래할 수 있습니다. 따라서 처방전없이 구입할 수있는 약으로도 개선되지 않으면 즉시 피부과 전문의와상의해야합니다. 여드름이나 여드름을 짜는 등의 자동 수술은 피부에 영구적 손상을 줄 수 있습니다.

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