Výber manžetových gombíkov na každodenné nosenie

Many believe that the way you choose to convey your outward appearance is a reflection of your true self. When you first meet someone, this is your opportunity to make a memorable first impression. If you dress to impress, the people around you will notice because whether or not they realize it, people often make decisions based on appearance. For a man, choosing the right manžetové gombíky may not seem important, but these small accessories may very well be the staple that pulls the entire look together.

If you want to dress to impress, this doesn’t mean you have to wear uncomfortable shoes and a business suit every day. But, for a man who wears a suit to work, manžetové gombíky are a must. If he dresses business casual, which may mean a khaki pant and dress shirt, manžetové gombíky will be even more visible than when worn with a suit jacet. As a general rule, manžetové gombíky should be made of the same color metal as the belt buckle, watch or wedding band that a man wears. If the accessories match, it will lend to the fact that this is a well dressed man who takes the time to coordinate his look.

V situáciách, ktoré si nevyžadujú profesionálne obliekanie, ale sú skôr vhodnejšie na bežné nosenie, sa manžetové gombíky môžu nosiť aj na rodinné oslavy, firemné párty alebo prvé rande. Ak sa obliekate, aby ste zapôsobili, máte náladu na svet.

Rovnako dôležité je obliecť sa pre úspech, je tiež dôležité obliecť sa pre seba. Aby ste vedeli, ako to urobiť, musíte vedieť, ktoré štýly manžetových gombíkov vám vyhovujú a ktoré sú vhodné pre váš štýl obliekania.

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