Hikoya va shahvoniy ohang evolyutsiyasi

The loincloth, worn thousands of years ago, is probably the first underwear worn by men and has evolved into a string over the years. Ironically, it was first worn by men in ancient times before becoming a part of women's ichki kiyim in modern times. The Egyptians were one of the first people to wear this garment in the shape of a string. The first pagnes were made of leather and were used until the introduction of the fabric much later. The famous King Tutankhamun was found buried with more than a hundred pagnes in his grave.

Qadimgi Yunoniston, Rim va Yaponiyadagi ba'zi odamlar ham halqali kiyim kiyishgan. Yaponiyada biz sumo kurashchilari jang paytida belkurak kiyishlarini bilamiz. Aslida, hozirgi kunga qadar ular bu narsani kiyishadi.

O'rta asrlarda loincloth braies deb nomlangan keng, bo'shashmasdan ansamblga almashtirildi. Bu odatda zig'ir matosidan qilingan va loinclotdan ancha katta. Burries tugmachali yoki bog'langan bo'lishi mumkin bo'lgan old qopqoq bilan amalga oshiriladi.

Zamonaviy zamonda, tarixchilar 1939 yilda Nyu-York meri Fiorello LaGuardia shaharning yalang'och ekzotik raqqosalariga ko'proq mos kelishni buyurganlarida, bu ipning birinchi ommaviy ko'rinishi kuzatilgan.

Dizayner Rudi Gernreich birinchi zamonaviy torni 1974 yilda taqdim etgan. Ushbu ip uzoq yillar davomida braziliyalik ekzotik raqqoslar tomonidan taqib yurilgan va festivallarda juda mashhur bo'lgan. Ushbu tor va mayda  tayoqlar   Janubiy Amerikada 80-yillarda mashhurlikka erishgan va plyajlarda mayo sifatida ishlatilgan. Uning mashhurligi va ta'siri 1990 yillarning oxirida butun dunyoga tarqaldi.

In the United States, the sexy string was widely accepted only in the 90s, when exotic ichki kiyim became popular. Today, the string is one of the best-selling underwear styles in the world. The ichki kiyim industry would represent more than 2 billion US dollars a year.

String shunchalik mashhur bo'ldiki, hatto u haqida yozilgan qo'shiqlar ham bor edi. Eng mashxur bo'lgan bu Def Soul yorlig'i ostida Sisqoning Tong qo'shig'i. Sisqoning Unleash The Dragon debyut albomidan bo'lgan Tong qo'shig'i unvoni shu qadar muvaffaqiyatli bo'lganki, u AQSh xaritalarida 3-o'ringa ko'tarilib,  dunyo bo'ylab   4 milliondan ortiq nusxani sotgan.

Besides the sexy string, there are also many types and variants of exotic ichki kiyim available on the market. Among the different types of ichki kiyim available are the shirt, camisole, shorts for boys, bustiers, corsets, stuffed animals and thongs.

Many designers have developed very flamboyant and creative designs and the strings are very different from today's models. It is extremely minimalist, erotic and chic. Many women prefer thongs to other types of ichki kiyim because they can wear tight pants without showing the panty line. In addition to being extremely sexy, the string is also comfortable to wear. You can find out more about sexy strings and romantic dating ideas at http://www.1sexythong.com/

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