Uyda suv bilan sovutgichlar

Initially, water conditioning was only used in commercial buildings. However, there are now water-cooled domestic air conditioners on the market. These systems use water to remove heat from the house while reducing compressor work. This split system air conditioning unit is called a cooler in the commercial context. Uyda suv bilan sovutgichlar can probably be called mini-coolers. These systems, which use low pressure hoses, typically consume less electricity than most home air conditioners. The use of water cooled evaporative domestic air conditioners helps to maintain low effective temperatures. In areas where the climate is dry, these units consume less energy than standard steam compression units.

Suv bilan sovutilgan uy konditsionerlari mis kangalini sovutadigan kondensator bobini doimiy ravishda bug'lanadigan kichik suv nasosidan foydalanib ishlaydi. Suzuvchi suvning kerakli darajasini ushlab turadi. Har sakkiz soatda tizim ishlashi uchun zarur bo'lgan suvni qayta tiklash uchun nasos avtomatik ravishda yoqiladi. Kondensator ustidagi fan yordamida bug'lanish jarayoni va issiqlik uzatish kuchayadi. Yuqori haroratli hududlarda uy egalari barcha suvni kondensatordan va mis suv tarmog'idan chiqarib yuborilishini ta'minlashlari kerak.

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