Zaminni his qilish sizga eng mos keladigan polni qanday tanlash kerak

Har doimgidan ko'ra ko'proq taxta variantlari mavjud, ammo bunday xilma-xillik chalkash bo'lishi mumkin. O'zingizning makoningiz uchun eng yaxshi qavatni qanday tanlaysiz?

Zaminni tanlashda uchta asosiy narsani hisobga olish kerak: xonaning turi, trafik hajmi va byudjet. Siz taxta kerak bo'lgan xonaning turini aniqlashingiz kerak va keyin bu xonadan qancha trafik o'tishini aniqlang. Buni aniqlagandan so'ng, siz taxta uchun qancha pul sarflashga tayyor ekanligingizni hisoblashingiz kerak, chunki bu siz tanlagan taxta jihatidan farq qiladi.

Yangi taxta tanlashingizga yordam beradigan bozorda hozirda mavjud bo'lgan pollarning asosiy turlari haqida qisqacha ma'lumot.


Qattiq daraxt bugungi kunda eng mashhur variantlardan biridir, chunki bunday turdagi taxta nafisligi uyingizdagi har qanday xonaga xarakter qo'shadi. Texnologiyalar va ishlab chiqarishdagi so'nggi yutuqlar yog'och pollarni deyarli barcha turdagi pastki qavatlarga osongina o'rnatishga imkon berdi. Talabning oshishi, shuningdek, yog'ochni sifatli bezashni va turli-tumanligini ta'minladi. Bugungi kunda chiziqlar, chiziqlar va chiziqlar bilan sotib olinadigan uch xil yog'och taxta mavjud. Ushbu echimlarning har biri o'zining afzalliklari va kamchiliklariga ega. Siz bir oz tadqiq qilishingiz va uyingiz uchun eng yaxshi variantni tanlashingiz kerak bo'ladi. Tayyorlangan yoki tugallanmagan yog'och taxta orasida ham tanlov qilishingiz mumkin. Oldindan tozalash yanada  qulayroq   bo'lishi mumkin, ammo agar sizning maqsadingiz silliq va tekis sirt bo'lsa, siz tugallanmagan yo'lni bosib o'tishni xohlashingiz mumkin.


If you want the appearance of wood, but have high traffic areas or can’t afford real wood flooring, you should consider laminate flooring. Laminat floors originated in Europe and most of the floorings available are still imported from there, though you can find a few domestic brands nowadays. Laminat floors are very easy to clean and are incredibly durable. They are also stain and fade resistant. Most brands snaps together so installation is easy – as is replacement at a later stage. With the quality of laminate floorings these days, some makes can even be mistaken for wood. Laminat flooring is an excellent alternative to wood if traffic and cost are issues.


Vinil flooring may have gotten a bad rap, but now this type of flooring is available in all sorts of stylish colors and patterns. There are new manufacturing processes being used now that mean both the texture and look of tile, wood grain and stone can be replicated on vinyl. If you haven’t looked at vinyl flooring options recently, you might want to take a second look.

Keramik plitka

There are many reasons to choose ceramic tiles. They are durable and resistant to scratches, fire and water. They are also environmentally friendly because they do not retain bacteria and odors. If you decide to use ceramic tiles, you will need to take into account such things as tile slip resistance, the most appropriate cleaning methods, as well as the color and thickness of the grout. Keramik plitkas work better in some rooms than others. The types of ceramic tiles include marble, granite and unglazed floor tiles.


gilam may not be as trendy as hardwood floors, but it can offer you a floor that is warmer and softer than any other flooring option. It is also much quieter than any of these other kinds of floors. You can choose from a real array of colors and patterns these days. If considering gilam, you might want to go with a solid, neutral color that will go easily with any décor you choose. gilam is also more economical (in terms of the product itself and installation costs) than some of the other flooring options on the market today.

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