Oreck XL超

The control of allergens at home is very important for people with allergies. For this reason, many allergy sufferers trust the Oreck XL超. This hypoallergenic vacuum cleaner is used to clean encrusted dirt and allergens from carpets and hardwood floors. It removes about 99.9% of allergens, the inner bag and the outer bag working together as an excellent filtration system.

关于XL Ultra的最好的事情之一是,它将阻止一次性集尘袋内的灰尘和碎屑。拥有专利的Saniseal系统可将其固定在那里,防止任何形式的污染。您永远都不会接触到灰尘,因为Saniseal系统会锁定灰尘,使灰尘无法逸出。装满袋子后,您只需要把它扔掉,然后放入一个新的袋子就可以了!

The Oreck XL超's new baseplate design features larger, more robust front wheels, more side brushes and microsweep technology. These improvements will increase edge cleaning on bare floors and carpets, increase dirt removal on bare floors and also make the vacuum cleaner much easier to use on carpets and tiles.

众所周知,做家务很困难。如果您想让家里保持清洁,则需要尽可能多地进行吸尘。 Oreck XL重8磅,辊刷以6,500 rpm的转速旋转。您可以一次性清除所有污垢,包括动物毛,皮屑,花粉,灰尘和尘螨。您将得到表面的污垢和结垢的污垢,这将使您的房屋闻起来像外观一样好。

XL Ultra非常好,可以平放在床和家具下面,便于存放。

这是最轻的全尺寸普通吸尘器之一,楼梯轻而易举。您可以轻松地从地毯转到裸露的地板,因为Oreck XL可以识别地毯的厚度并自动调整。在裸露的地板上,Microsweep系统每分钟将产生数百万次的点击。他动作如此之快,以至于会在裸露的地面上捡起沙子。

The genius of Oreck technology has always been to take large vacuum cleaners and then reduce them to light, thin and very easy to clean machines. The Oreck XL超 features advanced 24-bar technology that makes it powerful, quiet and will work as long as you need it.

XL Ultra的24巴电动机消耗了另一台真空发动机的1/3电能。


当您谈到性能时,XL Ultra的吸气速度等于2级飓风,即10 km / h!这种愿望是最好的,因为很少有真空吸尘器可以竞争。


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