

Hip Hop運動的發展和Hip Hop服裝的日益流行與Nike Air Force One鞋的發布和日益流行相匹配。嘻哈時尚在70年代後期開始流行,並在整個80年代繼續成為一種主要的文化和時尚。嘻哈時尚的開始,其特點是受非裔美國人的影響,包括戴大眼鏡,金項鍊,多指上的戒指,紅色,黑色和綠色調色板中的超大服裝以及強調舒適的品牌鞋反映個人風格。

The 耐克空軍一號 has become very popular as a shoe brand in the culture of hip hop fashion. From brightly colored sports shoes with thick laces or white sneakers, 耐克空軍一號 maintained their grip on the hip hop market in the late '80s and' 90s and continue to occupy a prominent place. From high to low to standard height, these once-sporty shoes are now casual shoes that can be seen in the street, in the classroom or on the basketball court.

Currently, many stores sell the 耐克空軍一號 brand name, priced from $ 70 upward, to just over $ 100 on average. In order to combat these prohibitive prices, online websites such as urbanhotlist.com have appeared, offering discounted prices on these shoes as well as other popular brands.


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