Priča i evolucija seksi tanga

The loincloth, worn thousands of years ago, is probably the first underwear worn by men and has evolved into a string over the years. Ironically, it was first worn by men in ancient times before becoming a part of women's donje rublje in modern times. The Egyptians were one of the first people to wear this garment in the shape of a string. The first pagnes were made of leather and were used until the introduction of the fabric much later. The famous King Tutankhamun was found buried with more than a hundred pagnes in his grave.

Neki ljudi iz stare Grčke, Rima i Japana također su nosili lančiće. U Japanu znamo da hrvači sumoa tokom borbe nose krzneni plašt. U stvari, do današnjeg dana, to još uvijek nose.

U srednjem vijeku, lančanik je zamijenjen velikim, labavim ansamblom zvanim braies. Obično se izrađuje od platna i znatno je veći od platna. Braies su napravljeni s prednjim poklopcem koji se može zatvoriti ili vezati zatvorenim.

U moderno doba, istoričari prate prvu javnu pojavu ove žice 1939. godine, kada je gradonačelnik New Yorka Fiorello LaGuardia naredio gradskim golim egzotičnim plesačima da se prikladno odijevaju.

Modni dizajner Rudi Gernreich predstavio je prvu modernu žicu 1974. godine. Niz su godinama nosili brazilski egzotični plesači i bio je veoma popularan za vrijeme festivala. Ova uska i sitna tangića stekla su popularnost u Južnoj Americi 80-ih godina pa su korištena kao kupaći kostimi na plažama. Njegova popularnost i utjecaj proširili su se širom svijeta krajem devedesetih.

In the United States, the sexy string was widely accepted only in the 90s, when exotic donje rublje became popular. Today, the string is one of the best-selling underwear styles in the world. The donje rublje industry would represent more than 2 billion US dollars a year.

Niz je postao toliko popularan da su o njemu napisane čak i pjesme. Najpoznatija, naravno, bila je pjesma „Thong Song“ iz Sisqa, pod etiketom Def Soul. Naslov Thong Song sa Sisqovog debitantskog albuma, Unleash The Dragon, bio je toliko uspješan da je dostigao 3. mjesto na američkim top listama i prodao više od 4 milijuna primjeraka širom svijeta.

Besides the sexy string, there are also many types and variants of exotic donje rublje available on the market. Among the different types of donje rublje available are the shirt, camisole, shorts for boys, bustiers, corsets, stuffed animals and thongs.

Many designers have developed very flamboyant and creative designs and the strings are very different from today's models. It is extremely minimalist, erotic and chic. Many women prefer thongs to other types of donje rublje because they can wear tight pants without showing the panty line. In addition to being extremely sexy, the string is also comfortable to wear. You can find out more about sexy strings and romantic dating ideas at

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