Un vestit de còctel per a cada tipus de cos

One of the most versatile dresses that were ever designed for wear on special occasions is the vestit de còctel. While the events for which vestit de còcteles are worn are usually late afternoon or early evening affairs that are too casual to be called black-tie events, many vestit de còcteles can now be worn elsewhere, depending on the cut and the material of the dress and the accessories worn with it.

To wear a vestit de còctel to a more formal event, all you need to do is to accessorize accordingly, perhaps wear more flashy pieces of jewelry and heavier makeup. If you need to wear something dressy to the office for any reason other than the usual skirt or pantsuit, you can wear a vestit de còctel that is not too flashy and just throw on a blazer and slip into sensible office shoes. Many current styles of vestit de còcteles are no longer limited to being party wear anymore.

Choosing what style of vestit de còctel to wear, however, can be very tricky for most women. After all, only a few women could claim to have truly perfect bodies, and most women who do not fall into the supermodel category prefer to hide the flaws of their figures. Wearing a one-piece dress such as a vestit de còctel can easily reveal those flaws if the dress does not fit the wearer’s body type.

In picking out the right vestit de còctel to wear, a woman should always consider her body type - if she is top-heavy or bottom-heavy - and find something that will balance out her figure. If it is bottom-heavy, it should be to draw attention to the upper part of her body and to her face. If she is top-heavy, she has the option to emphasize her cleavage or to wear something that will pull the eyes to her legs.

What kind of vestit de còctel would a woman have with a bottom-heavy figure? As said above, a woman with a bottom-heavy figure would want to hide the thickness around her hips and thighs. A good vestit de còctel for her to wear would be a dress that fits tightly around the waist but with the seams pushed out by the padding around the abdomen and having a skirt that flies out of the hips and thighs. A vestit de còctel with a full skirt would be perfect for a woman with a bottom-heavy figure because it will definitely hide whatever flabbiness and bulges that she would like to see.

Another option available for a woman with a bottom-heavy figure is a vestit de còctel that sports an empire-style waistline. A vestit de còctel with an empire-style waistline has the higher waist, thus pulling the eyes towards the shoulders, the neck and the face. It also drapes and skims over the lower body. The only risk with wearing an empire-style vestit de còctel, however, is that the empire-style cut is often used on maternity dresses, and so a woman wearing such a dress may be mistaken to be pregnant.

I una altra opció per a una dona amb una figura pesant en el fons és un vestit de còctel, sense mànigues o sense tirants, i també amb una falda lluminosa. Un cop més, barrar els braços i les espatlles és eficaç per cridar l'atenció dels malucs.

Pel que fa a les dones amb xifres molt pesades, pot subratllar la seva divisió o el seu llegat, com s'ha esmentat anteriorment. Si vol centrar-se en les cames més que en el seu escot, pot portar un vestit de còctel amb una part superior de color sòlid aparellada amb una falda estampada. Pot augmentar la tija de la falda per fer-la curta i realment atraure els ulls a les cames.

Si vol atreure l’atenció en el seu escot en lloc de les cames, pot tapar-se les cames amb un vestit de còctel de falda llarga, però revelar una mica de pell al cos superior amb un escot d’or baix en forma de V. De fet, pot atraure els ulls dels dos vestits amb un escot si vol. Allò que no hauria de portar un vestit de còctel amb una part superior massa ocupada, ja que farà que el seu cos superior sembli més gran i disminueixi l'escala de la seva figura.

Els accessoris també ajuden a mantenir la il·lusió de l'equilibri en la silueta de la dona a banda de portar el vestit de còctel adequat. Les dones més pesades poden portar arracades, collarets o brillants, mentre que les dones més pesades poden renunciar a collarets i optar per una polsera. Tot i això, primer hauria de comprar el seu vestit de còctel abans de determinar quins accessoris, bossa i sabates cal portar.

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