The right way to adjust the pH level in your pool

You already know that it is very important to maintain the proper pH level in your pool. The quality of the water will suffer if it contains too much acid or if it is too alkaline. However, you must make sure you know the right steps to adjust. Once you take your test results and find that you need to make adjustments, it's time to pay attention to what you are doing.

Some people add more acid or alkali to the water. Then they test again and if they go too much, they add a little bit of each other. It is a waste of time and money that you have invested in these chemicals. Instead, you need to get tables showing the amount to add. The tables to use depend on the size of your pool, so make sure you have the right one. Then you can take the test results you have obtained and find out how much you need to add to restore balance.

It is more risky to add acid to the water than alkali, but you must be very careful with both. Wear goggles and gloves to protect your hands and eyes. Avoid putting it on your body or clothes as well. You will find that the acid is in liquid and solid form. It is recommended to use the solid form to prevent accidental spillage of the liquid.

Never add acid directly into the pool. This could lead to corrosion of the walls of your pool. It can also damage metal pipes and fittings, which in turn will cause many problems for your pool. First you have to mix well in a metal bucket. Do not use plastic as acid can get in, which can result in serious injury.

Fill the bucket half full then add the acid. Be sure to place it slowly so that it is not thrown against you. Also do it only in a well ventilated place because the acid can be very strong. Avoid smelling or swallowing fumes during the mixing process. Before adding the acid to the pool, you must make sure the pump is working properly.

The process of adding alkali is not so dangerous, but you still have to be careful. Generally, what you will add to the water is sodium carbonate. Also pay attention to the graphics on the amount to add depending on the reading you have obtained. You also want to mix this with water in a bucket, then pour it into the pool after mixing it well.

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