Постаните модел

Every day I receive requests on how to becoming a модел. Things like how to get started, finding and contacting a моделing agency, and getting a first photo shoot.

Како започети:

Пре него што почнете да радите било шта, поставите себи та питања јер ће вас они водити кроз поступак.

  • What do I want to get out of моделing?
  • What am I willing to put into becoming a модел
  • What kind of модел do I want to be? Fashion, Runway, swimsuit, sport,etc.
  • Колико сам флексибилан за путовања и уштеду времена?

Once you evaluate these questions, There is two ways you can go. One is to contact a моделing agency which I will explain below. The other method is to act like your own agency and create your own portfolio. This is easily done over the internet, now with several places in which you can post pictures, and information on yourself to attract talent scouts.

If you choose to go the traditional route and to work with a моделing agency, It can be hard at times to know first of all how to find a good one, and what to look for in a моделing agency. You can easily look up and find agencies in phone books or online,etc. Before you do any of that, I would recommend contacting anyone you know, that is a модел, and finding out about some of the experiences that they have had with моделing and general, and also specifically with different agencies in your area. Once you have a general idea of what the scene looks like, contact some of the agencies and set up an appointment to meet with them. Meeting with the agency can be the hardest and most nerve wrecking part of the whole experience. Be firm, and don’t allow the agency to take advantage of you!

Треба тражити и тражити сљедеће ствари:

  • What do they do for other моделs?
  • Шта могу учинити за тебе?
  • Могу ли да задовоље ваше потребе као пример?
  • Да ли агенција има циљеве сличне онима које имате за себе?

Последње питање „Како направити прву фотошоп“ зависи од пута којим крећете. Ако одете с агенцијом, морат ћете се договорити с њом, фотографирати се и почети градити новчаник. Ако одлучите да одете сами, мораћете да направите сопствени новчаник. Или помоћу фотографија које већ имате или контактирањем фотографа за фотографирање. Препоручио бих да запослите фотографа јер изгледа професионалније и његов квалитет је много бољи од једноставне фотографије породице или пријатеља итд.

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