
便攜式家用空調 are an excellent choice for people who need cooling for specific times of the year. This type of domestic air conditioner is usually on wheels, which makes it convenient and easy to move from one place to another. If a person spends his day in the living room, she can install her air conditioner in the living room. At night, when the heat makes it almost impossible to sleep, the air conditioner can be installed in the bedroom. This is perhaps the number one advantage of portable home air conditioners.

目前,家用電器商販銷售容量為6,000至60,000 BTU /小時(1,800至18,000瓦)的便攜式家用空調。便攜式家用空調內置或不內置電阻散熱器。業主可以選擇便攜式空調裝置。在拆分系統或使用管道的系統之間也可以選擇。小數係統使用通過管道連接的室內和室外單元進行操作。這些類型的便攜式家用空調也可以永久安裝。使用使用管道的便攜式便攜式空調器,管道吸入外部空氣,第二根管道排出熱空氣。一些家用便攜式空調的水箱中會積水,如果不排空水箱,則空調過程會停止。

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