Wind power

Wind energy takes the energy generated by the wind and uses it more productively. Wind turbines are a machine capable of transforming the kinetic energy of the wind and converting it into mechanical energy. Mechanical energy works with kinetic energy to equilibrate in the mechanical system. When the mechanical energy is converted into electricity, we can speak of a wind turbine.

There are two different types of wind turbines. Horizontal axis and vertical axis. The most common of these two are the horizontal axis. The horizontal axis includes the main rotor shaft and the generator at the top of the turbine. The horizontal axis is directed in the wind. Most of these horizontal axles have a gearbox that allows the blades to spin faster to generate more electricity. The tower is what provides the turbulence. The turbine can be oriented slightly upwards and stand well above the blades. The blades are made of a durable material that can withstand high winds.

When you see these turbines in the field, you may think they are no longer useful, but many people believe in their use. Horizontal axis wind turbines can either turn up or down. If they choose to turn the blades up, they do not hold together well longer. They begin to crack and break down in high winds. When the blades are pointing down, they stay longer aligned with the wind and can withstand strong winds without breaking. Because they are so durable, they also reduce costs.

Types of horizontal axis wind turbines

Wind turbines consist of four or more blades, usually short, and may have wooden blades. These were used to grind the grain. As the winds rose, he would spin a mechanism inside allowing him to pass the grain into a crusher that would crush it.

Rural Windmills was originally from Australia but later moved to the United States. Farmers have found that this type of wind turbine can pump water and electricity into barns and fields. This windmill had several blades and can still be seen today in the fields. They were built of metal usually to carry electricity for lights or maybe a radio.

Modern turbines are what we have now standing in the fields. They have three blades that are pointed at the ends. The reason for their unusual shape is that they have proven that they exceed the wind speed up to 6 times more, allowing high efficiency and reliability.

The advantages of this type of wind turbine are stability, height, curvature, durability and strength. The disadvantages of my system can not work properly near the ground, difficult to transport at sea, difficult to install, not very popular. Their effect on radar, structural damage caused by storms and wear is a concern.

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