Can vitamin C whiten your skin?

Aging — everyone does it, but some do it more gracefully than others. One concern related to aging is life insurance. Find  the best insurance policy   to make sure you’re covered no matter what!

Another concern about the aging process is the toll it takes on the skin. Things like years of sun exposure, chemicals introduced into the body, and even skin cancer can lead to skin discolorations.

Anti-aging products, moisturizers, cosmetics, and “magic” pills are widely available for people looking to reverse the signs of aging and brighten their skin by reducing blemishes and dark spots.

Vitamin C comes close to being a magical cure. Vitamin C, a.k.a. L-ascorbic acid, is not naturally produced by the human body. Instead, we get this water-soluble vitamin in certain natural foods such as citrus fruit, fresh leafy vegetables, and dietary supplements.

Even though it isn’t naturally produced by our bodies, Vitamin C is a necessary dietary component that promotes good health and a strong immune system.

How does Vitamin C work in the body?

Vitamin C is necessary for wound healing and for healthy connective tissue such as skin. It plays a vital role in a healthy immune system and helps to synthesize collagen which is the most abundant protein in the human body. Collagen is responsible for giving our skin its healthy shine and structure.

In essence, Vitamin C is vital for bright healthy skin. The ascorbyl acid is reported to suppress skin pigment (melanin) synthesis which, if produced over-abundantly, results in dark spots, discolorations, and even dry skin.

The skin is the largest organ in the human body. Based on our skin’s appearance, we can tell a lot about the health of other internal organs. The primary responsibility of the skin is to protect everything on the inside from ultraviolet light, chemicals, pathogens and any other potential hazards to the human body.

Since our skin acts as a barrier to protect the rest of the body, it is bombarded with pathogens, sunlight, bacteria, and chemicals. Vitamin C fights off free radicals that bombard our skin daily. It is our skin’s defense against the very signs of aging that we are trying to prevent — spots, wrinkles, and discolorations.

What foods are rich in Vitamin C?

The human body gets its daily intake of vitamin C by consuming fruits, vegetables, and some proteins. The recommended daily dosage of vitamin c is 90 mg for men and about 75 mg for women, but the human body can safely consume up to 2000 mg daily.

This isn’t an exhaustive list, but it gives a general idea about where we find our daily source of vitamin C. Some foods rich in vitamin C include:

  • Oranges
  • Kale
  • Kiwi
  • Strawberries
  • Broccoli
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Cantaloupe
  • Leafy Greens such as mustard greens and Brussel sprouts
  • Red, yellow, and green peppers

The best way to get the biggest benefit from Vitamin C is eat these foods raw. Cooking may change the concentration of vitamin C, but even cooked, these foods promote a healthy level of vitamin consumption.

While vitamin C isn’t naturally found in grains, it is added as a supplement to some foods containing grains such as breakfast cereals.

Does healthy skin mean a healthy body?

Studies have found that vitamin C found in raw foods can decrease the risk of some cancers such as lung, breast, and colon. It has also been found to be useful in the treatment of cancer.

Vitamin C is a primary component found in healthy skin. As we age and the more we are exposed to UV light, the less vitamin C is evident in our skin.

That is why the skin care product market is quick to promote it in their products. Vitamin C fights the look of aging and brightens skin, whitens skin by working to eliminate and protect against discoloration.

Think about getting a suntan. You expose your skin to sunlight, and it changes pigmentation resulting in a darker complexion. As your exposure fades, so does the tan. The same is true for age spots. After a time, they too can fade. Not all age spots are permanent.

Keep in mind that skincare products do not come cheap. There are hundreds of products that claim to be the best at maintaining a healthy glow and make you look ten years younger. None are as promising as a simple dose of vitamin C.

What happens if there’s a deficiency or malabsorption of Vitamin C?

Deficiency of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) will manifest itself as general weakness, fatigue, frequent colds, bleeding gums and long healing of wounds and cuts.

Vitamin C deficiency can also develop as a result of a diet low in fruits and vegetables. In addition, heat treatment destroys vitamin C in food. But does vitamin c really whiten skin?

People with certain underlying illnesses may have an inability to absorb vitamin C. A deficiency of vitamin C can lead to an underproduction of collagen in the skin, bruising easily, dry skin, joint pain, slow healing process, and poor immune system.

Vitamin C deficiency can also lead to bumpy skin due to a buildup of keratin in the skin’s pore. A poor diet, smoking, and alcohol consumption are some of the main causes of the deficiency.

Do I need to use skin products that have Vitamin C?

There are a number of beauty and  skincare products that whiten skin   such as lotions, creams, and gels. Many promote their effectiveness based on having Vitamin C as a primary ingredient. These concoctions claim to whiten or bleach skin by blocking melanin production in the skin.

Make sure that when you are picking a skin whitening product, you read the ingredients and the warnings on the label. The creams and lotions and products that claim to bleach your skin often have other ingredients that can interact negatively with your skin.

The great news is that, with dietary changes and a little daily dose of vitamin C, you may save yourself some money. Eat a diet rich in vitamin C and even vitamin E to keep a clear complexion.

Limit your sun exposure by wearing sunscreen and hats. And quit putting chemicals into your body through bad habits like smoking.

If you notice skin changes that are concerning, see your physician. In the meantime, join the anti-aging bandwagon and consume food rich in vitamin C.

Robyn Flint,
Robyn Flint,

Robyn Flint writes and researches for the auto insurance site,, and she is a licensed realtor with over seven years of experience helping buyers and sellers navigate the real estate market. Robyn is also a freelance writer and a published author.

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