Red carpet style leather clothing for women
Everyone knows that it is not the person who walks on the red carpet that counts, but their clothes! If you can not be a star, do the best thing and dress as one. A fashionable trend in Hollywood and around the world is that of women's leather clothing. Think carefully before buying a pair of leather chaps or a bulky biker jacket. Leather clothes can range from smoking and sexy to soft and subtle. In addition, leather clothing is available in all shades and tints of delicious colors. Express yourself with juicy greens and pinks that are hot, hot, hot nowadays. Leather clothes can take you from the boardroom to the nightclub, what other type of material can boast of the same thing?
Without a doubt, every woman's wardrobe should wear warm leather pants. Take advantage of the current trend in skinny pants and invest in a superb pair of leather. Since leather acts as a second skin, it will fit all your curves and showcase your best features. Just look at how much your favorite stars are beautiful in their leather pants? Sharon Stone, Cameron Diaz and Jessica Alba regularly hit the red carpet with colored leather pants topped with flowing tunics or wispy tops. This set is particularly suited to the summer scene, because the lightweight material of the tops create an ethereal look that softens the smoldering look of your leather pants. Think of it as a little angel and a devil!
Especially with the cowboy theme sweeping over Hollywood, leather tops and jackets with miles of fringes and Indian pearls are back in fashion. Again, avoid overloading fashion with a fringed top, jacket, purse, boots and skirt. Adopt a classic cowgirl in a leather jacket and a denim skirt, or play the vixen on the collection in a fringed top and barely painted on jeans. Get ready to rope, race and steal hearts! Remember, there is a difference between cool and kitsch. Therefore, if you start to look like an extra movie in Brokeback Mountain 2, you may need to reconsider your wardrobe.
Just as there are fashion hits with celebrities, the red carpet has seen its share of fashion failures. Who can forget Britney Spear in her biker chic gone bad outfit that she donned for the MTV Music Video Awards? Major overload in leather! Consider this when assembling your killer leather outfit. Avoid leather head to toe. The leather suit is an exception to this rule. She quickly returns to the stage. Lay down your costume look with a top of another material and keep the color of your costume subtle. Nothing seems worse than a larger-than-life leather lime walking down the street! Adopt colors like aubergine, teal, and even white if you're fed up with typical black and brown leather.
If you are still wondering if you dare to put on the leather, consider buying leather accessories first. A leather version of the popular Newsboy hat style is perfect for a graceful addition to any wardrobe. Just watch the sensation of singer Alicia Keys! Of course, who could stay without a killer leather bag? Fashionable celebrities like Jessica Simpson, Lindsey Lohan, and of course the celebrity herself, Paris Hilton rarely seem without a leather bag in hand. Keep in mind that leather can easily jump between day and night, so invest a little more in a quality bag that will suit any occasion.