Keep your pool filter clean

One of the most effective ways to keep your pool running properly is to keep the filter clean. Once it is clogged, it will result in a downward spiral of things that will not satisfy you. Without a properly functioning filtering system, you will not be able to get the most out of the chemicals you add to the water.

There are also many types of pool filters. If you find that you are continually repairing yours, it may be time to move on to a better one. Make sure to call an expert at a pool dealer to get a compatible one. Your pool filter will also last a lot longer if you take care of it by keeping it clean.

If your filter contains a cartridge, you will need to remove it gently. In this way, you can rinse the dirt and debris that has accumulated. Throw it on a slow stream of fresh water though. Many people end up ruining their pool filter cartridge when they run it in whitewater or spray it with a high-pressure nozzle. Instead of removing dirt and debris, this tends to trap them in the filter. The filter can even be torn or damaged.

There are excellent cleaners for these filters and you should invest in one of them. As a rule, they should be diluted with water, so be sure to read the instructions. Place the filter cartridge of the pool in the solution and let it sit for several hours. Many pool owners drop by at night and remove it the next morning.

Some people use acid instead of a cleaning solution, but you do not want to go that route. Indeed, the acid will not break down oils and other liquids that you can not see but that are present. You must also delete this whole question. The acid tends to be too aggressive for the elements that make up the filter cartridge of the pool.

Once you have left it to sit, you must rinse it again very slowly and carefully. You do not want the residue of the cleaning solution to linger. You also do not want to use high pressure, otherwise you could damage the filter cartridge. If you find that you still have material on it, repeat the soaking process to make sure it has been removed.

If you need to soak again, first remove the mixture from the bucket. Rinse it so that none of what has been removed is available to recover it. You may need to soak the filter cartridge for several hours if you have not done so for a while. Once you have cleaned it up, commit to completing this process regularly.

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