Solar energy: what benefits for the agricultural sector?

What is solar energy? To put it simply, it is energy from the sun. The heat and light provided by the sun are essential to life. Can you even imagine a life without sun? It will not be normal and there are many things and experiences that people can not engage in if they ever do.

Everyone relies on the sun for its benefits. Did you know that the earth receives 174 petawatts of sunshine or sunlight? This occurs in the upper part of the atmosphere. Almost 30% is sent back into space. The rest of the percentage is absorbed by clouds, landmasses and oceans.

The agricultural sector

If you think of an industry that will not survive without the energy of the sun, what will be the first thing you think? Many sectors may depend on the benefits of the sun. But the agriculture and horticulture industry will not prosper without it. They have no other options. If the sun disappears, these areas will die.

The departments of agriculture and horticulture need sunshine to be able to grow their products. The latter is necessary for both humans and animals. The productivity of these sectors will depend on how much energy they receive from the sun. It must be balanced in every way. It can never be too little. And that does not have to be too much.

If it's too little, plans may not be able to grow accordingly. Farmers will not get the crops needed to feed the population. And if it's too much, it will damage the crops. It will also have adverse effects on people's health. But if this is the case, people can find ways to reach the desired products by manually trying to reduce the amount of heat that can be directed at the plants. But if the situation becomes unbearable, it could lead to drought and death.

Farmers need to know when the sun will come up, when the sunny days will be long and what factors make it possible to choose the type of plants they have to plant to survive weather conditions. Here are some examples of solutions they use to maximize the benefits of solar energy.

  • Timed planting cycles
  • Different plant heights between rows
  • Custom order orientation
  • Mix different varieties of crops to improve yields

Have you ever wondered what farmers did at a time like the Little Ice Age? English and French farmers are said to have used fruit walls. These fruit walls help maximize the collection of sun energy. These serve as thermal masses. These walls help keep plants warm to speed up the process of growing and maturing products.

Solar energy is also used in these areas for vital activities such as crop drying, water pumping, animal manure drying, chick hatching and many more.

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