What is certified wood and why should you use it?

Certified wood is a wood whose sources have been reviewed and approved by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). The FSC is a global non-profit organization with branches in many countries. They are one of the most prominent voices in sustainable timber harvesting.

Every dollar you spend on wood actually determines whether sustainability is important or not. If you spend $ 100 on wood for a giant multinational that does not care about sustainability and just wants to make a profit, your $ 100 will help them do it even better. This will be used to finance more tree cutters, more labor, more plants.

On the other hand, if you spend that $ 100 in certified wood, you vote for sustainability. Companies that only produce certified wood will be better off. They will be able to pay their staff, they will be able to grow more trees and they will be able to provide better services to the world thanks to your $ 100.

Every dollar you spend on certified wood is an important vote on sustainability.

So, what exactly do you vote for your sustainable dollars?

take care of the wildlife

When a forest is destroyed, the houses of thousands of animals are displaced.

Lumberjacks and uncertified woods do not pay attention to these creatures. They simply cut down the trees and let the animals suffer as they can.

With FSC wood, you will know that every precaution has been taken to guarantee wildlife a place to live after logging.

take care of deforestation

Our forests are running out at an alarming rate. We will not run out of wood, but the deforestation of our forests can have an even more devastating impact on the world.

For example, a lot of Brazilian farms depend on rain for watering. This rain comes from the evaporated water of the rainforests of other neighboring countries.

If these forests were destroyed, it would not be only wild species, but also the Brazilian agricultural industry and the world economy. If a product becomes difficult to manufacture in Brazil, it becomes more expensive for everyone.

This has an effect throughout the supply chain. If soy becomes more expensive, soy sauce also becomes more expensive. This makes the kitchen of the woman in China who earns $ 200 and has five children all the more difficult.

This type of domino effect permeates many of the world's forests. If we continue to fell trees as if they were an unlimited resource, we will very quickly destroy nature's method of providing rain, oxygen, and support to the rest of the world's ecosystem.

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