Meditating in a hot tub

Lie down, close your eyes and let the worries and worries of the day disappear. These words of relaxation and meditation take on a whole new meaning when you wash your hair in a hot tub.

The warm, relaxing stream of jets, the comforting water wrap that supports your body, the hug of bubbles flowing around your body all help to keep you away from your long day. They will save you the worries and worries of the long struggle of life and relieve your mind, your body and your spirit.

In a spa, there are no urgent details to take, no rushed decisions to make, but only the soothing comfort of water and the relaxing mantra of bubbles to erase the stresses of everyday life. Keeping your eyes closed, letting water be your intermediary to the inner peace of meditation is the perfect solution to the many distractions of this modern world. The soothing concentration that you will get by letting your mind become totally relaxed and at peace in a spa is truly revitalizing.

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