Wintering techniques that you can apply to the garden

Do not be discouraged for your love of gardening just because the cold season is about to arrive. You can not do anything about it unless you are ready to relocate somewhere, such as in countries with only two types of weather conditions. You do not really need to go that far, because it is possible to winterize your garden to preserve the effort you have invested and prepare it for the next season, when you can refurbish it.

This may seem like extra work, especially if you are going to take care of many other things at home. But for people who love gardening and like to see the results of their work, here's what to do to prepare the area for the winter season.

  • 1. When do you start preparing the garden for the coldest months? You will notice a change in the color of the plants. When this happens, the leaves begin to fall. This clearly indicates that it is time to act on your plan so that you still have a healthy garden next year.
  • 2. Detach all your plants from their roots to the ends. If you do not take any action and leave the remains of dead plants in the garden, you allow leftovers and rodents to feast while it is already in winter. To avoid this, you must remove the dead plants and place them in a compost pile. You can also choose to leave the leftovers in the garden. You can simply leave them at the top of the ground until they are dry. Plow the soil with the dried plants in early spring or during the last days of autumn.

Why do you need to grow dead plants and fallen leaves on the ground? Thanks to this, the garden will be able to absorb the nutrients of the plants. If you leave the plants without doing anything, the soil will not be able to absorb nutrients easily and this will delay the warming of the garden soil when spring has already arrived.

  • 3. In the fall, you should not put fertilizer on the ground. This is a great way to protect the environment, as this product will have long-term adverse effects. In addition, it represents a waste of money. Anyway, nothing will absorb it, most plants fading or falling. In addition, if you rely heavily on this type of product, it will eventually be washed away by streams and wetlands, which could cause damage. If you are a big fan and you can not do without fertilizer, do it in the spring.
  • 4. You can also add chemicals to your garden during the fall, especially if you are a big fan of these products. Before doing so, check the pH level of the soil and add sulfur or lime if necessary. You can easily spread these chemicals and plow the soil afterwards.

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