Shopping for madness
It is rightly believed that women have more time off than men. When they want to spend time doing something, they have a few options that they consider and the only option that attracts them the most and they go there without thinking twice about it is shopping.
Whether they watch television or read newspapers or magazines, they tend to read advertisements. Sales, discounts, newly-designed accessories, free gifts and such attractive and provocative advertisements appear before their eyes wherever they go. Advertisements target women primarily because they are easily agitated. The hard
The incomes of many men are spent in less than a day by their extravagant and extravagant wives. Priorities have changed, and rapid changes in fashion and trends are fueling the urge of people, not just women, but men and teens, to go shopping every time they have money. in addition to spend. The need to shop was limited to the purchase of basic necessities. Among the extravagant buyers, there were the rich. But now, shopping has become an entertainment for people. they kill time and have fun shopping, even if it's just window shopping.
Time flies when you have a good time is a common proverb. And these days more than ever, not only is time passing but seems very insufficient for buyers. The list is so long that a day is insufficient. When every corner of the house is decorated, refrigerator filled, DVD shelves stacked up to the top, appliances do not find room to fit, alas it's time to shop for more shelves to fill and, by therefore, more to fill them.
Markets and shopping centers have become compact places with multiple purposes. Shopping is more popular than outings for family picnics or visits to distant relatives. Housewives, teens and children, even the elderly, consider this to be the best source of entertainment in shopping centers. For housewives, taking their children is no longer a problem. Each mall has food points, playgrounds for them. Thus, their mothers can easily go shopping while their children are having fun in the playgrounds.
Making casual purchases and buying goods and things that are really needed is a healthy thing and clearly understood as a need. Misers and extravagants are both more irritating to society. Time spent shopping can offer other, more productive alternatives.