How to Ask Your Girlfriend to Model a Bikini
It isn’t a bad thing to ask your girlfriend to model a bikini for you unless, of course, you are married to someone else. If that’s the case, you might want to make sure your life insurance and final expenses are covered.
It’s no secret that the female body is a thing of beauty. And for one season out of the year, women find it acceptable to walk around beaches and pools scantily clad in swimwear that offers less coverage than their undergarments.
Bikini season means hotties with tanned, toned bodies showing off to anyone who will look.
Before Old Man Winter is put to rest for the year, beautiful women modeling the latest fashion in beachwear can be seen on hundreds of womens fashion websites and in dozens of publications each season.
Most men may look forward to bikini season and to seeing their lady in the hottest new swimsuit. Some may even feel brave enough to ask their lady for a private fashion show.
Anyone can appreciate a beautiful body no matter what gender. But there is an appropriate way to admire and a very inappropriate way.
Here are a few appropriate tips to consider when asking your lady to be your personal swimsuit model.
Compliment, Don’t Compare
Many women, even those with amazing bodies, are self-conscious about their looks in swimwear. Women can be extremely critical of their own flaws.
If you are hoping that your lady will model your fantasy swimsuit for you, make sure that when she does, you don’t compare her to the airbrushed model that you saw it on first.
That will only result in one of two things — you sleeping on the couch or suddenly becoming single.
Be a realist. Keep in mind that the magazine models only look that good thanks to magic photography and eight coats of expensive makeup that was applied by a professional makeup artist.
If every woman had that kind of help, we would all look like a model.
Perfection Is an Opinion
You may be on the quest to find the perfect swimsuit for your lady, but keep in mind that perfection is a matter of opinion. The sexy little number that you ask her to try on for you does not necessarily mean it is going to fit like a glove.
Women come in all different body shapes and sizes, all of which have to be considered when finding the perfect swimsuit.
Your idea of perfect may be much different than her idea of perfect. You may look at the accentuated curves, the roundness of her breasts spilling out of the top, and how much of her backside is covered.
She may be looking at the same things but from a different point of view. Remember, she is looking critically while you are looking for sexy.
Change your mindset a little. Look for what is perfect on her. Don’t look for what was perfect on a swimwear model.
Also confidence is very important for girlfriend in a bikini. Confidence that the guy will like her, confidence that she will not be laughed at. The guys don't feel so strongly about this, so they won't be able to understand.
And we, the guys, can help to gain this self-confidence, With conversations, compliments. Make a nice present, give a yummy that she loves very much. It’s not difficult for us, but the girl is very pleased and important. That you support her at a difficult moment. But the most important thing is not to push, and not to rush.
Don’t Be Creepy
Depending on your relationship and her comfort level with you, asking your woman to model a bikini may turn out to be fun for both of you. However, this depends on just how creepy you make it.
If this is some fantasy play activity then let her in on the end goal.
You certainly don’t want to get critical if she models a bikini for you. She might be stepping way out of her comfort zone to fulfill your request.
If you return the favor by pointing out all of the reasons why the bikini doesn’t look good, you may destroy her self-confidence and her confidence in how you feel about her.
Be Honest
Don’t sugar coat your reason for wanting her to model it for you. Be upfront with her. Let your lady know you think she would look stunning in it or that it will bring out the color of her eyes. If you want to see her in it because you think she will look smoking hot, then tell her that too. Whatever your reason, tell her.
Keep in mind that all swimsuits do not fit all body types. So be open to the possibility that your choice just isn’t the right one for her.
If she isn’t comfortable modeling the bikini you choose, maybe she will be comfortable modeling one of her choices for you.
Flattery Will Buy Brownie Points
Let’s be honest here. Most women love flattery. They love to be admired and made to feel beautiful. Women want to know that they are the light of their partner’s life.
So being asked to model for their partner can be a form of flattery when good intentions are involved.
Women like to feel sexy and desired. Most don’t like to feel like an object or a possession but want to be a treasure. And a desire-fueled request to model a bikini can ignite sparks for both of you.
If the fire in your relationship has long burned out and your once passionate sex life has now become a thing of the past, don’t be quick to blame her. If you have quit complimenting her and making her feel desired, you could be the cause.
If you are one of those that thinks you have put enough time in the relationship to not have to compliment your lady every day, then your lady has put in enough time to know it may be time to find a better partner.
Never get so comfortable in your relationship that you quit telling her that she is beautiful. You may find that you don’t have to ask her to model a bikini for you if you freely give the compliments.

Robyn Flint writes for and has an MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. She is a licensed Realtor, a freelance writer, and a published author.