Roomba Vacuum cleaner

The Roomba vacuum cleaner is manufactured and sold by the company iRobot. Roomba was released in 2002 with updates and new models in 2003, 2004, etc. Nowadays, millions of them have been sold, making it the most popular and popular robot vacuum cleaner to date.


  • 1. Remote Control - This allows you to control the Roomba remotely.
  • 2. Schedular - This allows you to schedule your Roomba to clean the house according to your schedule, even if you are away. The programmer can also update a Roomba robot prior to version 2.1 to software 2.1.
  • 3. Homebase - This is where Roomba will automatically return to recharge.
  • 4. Virtual Wall - It is used to keep Roomba away from certain areas.
  • 5. OSMO - This is a dongle that connects to the Roomba serial port.

The description

The Roomba is a disc 13 inches in diameter and less than 4 inches in height. A large contact-sensing bumper is mounted on the front half of the unit, with an infrared sensor located at the top front, center. A carrying handle is also installed on the top.

Depending on the model you choose, Roomba can be supplied with one or two infrared emitters.

The first and second generation Roomba models had to know the size of the room with three small buttons, although this is no longer necessary with the new generations Roomba.

Roomba works with internal nickel metal batteries and needs to be recharged regularly using a wall outlet, although new generations have a home port where they will find and move automatically when they will have to recharge.

To use the new generations of Roomba, you have to transport it where you want to start, press the power button, then press clean, spot or max.

Each time you press the cleaning button, spot or maximum, Roomba pauses for a second or two before starting to work. The contact bumper on the machine will detect shocks to walls and furniture, while virtual walls will limit Roomba to desired areas. There are also 4 infrared sensors on the bottom that will prevent Roomba from falling into the margins or steps.

Unlike Electrolux models, Roomba does not list the parts it cleans, but instead relies on objects or walls to represent them. The design is based on the MIT technology that robots should look like insects and be equipped with simple control mechanisms adapted to their environment.

After a little while, Roomba will start singing. If it detects a base, it will try to come back to it. At this point, simply remove the dust bin on the back of the robot and empty it into a bin.

Keep in mind that Roomba is not designed for thick pile carpets. It is however low enough to go under your bed and most other furniture. If, at any time, he feels stuck, he does not feel the ground below, he stops and starts to sing until you find him.

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